I've been working on my Javascript as I am going to improve my fundamental understanding in standard JavaScript into TypeScript as well as other JS framework like React, so currently I am working with so many small projects, and below are some of them.
My Javascript Roadmap
- Learn an In-depth JavaScript fundamental, from basic to proffessioansl and technicalities of this programming language.
- Learn TypeScript to make my code consistent and easy to track errors
- Learn Vue.js and React.js for Framework
Note: This will be updated from time to time base on my progress, so this page will keep updating anytime soon.
Small Projects I Work On
- Quiz Projects
- ISS or International Space Station API - what this small project is I pull out the exact location of ISS and display it in the map, and create a custom marker in it, using the LeafLetJS.
- Random DOG Breed API - what this small project does is it lets the user ask a question to identify the current dog being displayed on the page, based on the random dog image being pull-out in the API I use, then it shows an indication if the user answers the correct dog breed.
Currently, I have been working on some other projects, and I will update this page every time I finished those each of the projects that are currently in progress, the purpose of this is to document my improvement in JavaScript since right now JS gets a nonstop evolution that even me needs to adopt that nature.
I will display the final output here but not the sources code, so basically you can watch me doing some journey exercises in my own documented YouTube Channel video, which I record myself coding.
Right now I am exploring other interesting API that is available on the web I also discover some public API which you can check below.
JavaScript is the most popular language nowadays, and I would like to be part of it, as I am going to acquire more skills and get to a new environment of work or team that will let me utilize my skills in terms of technical coding using Javascript and Other Language I know.
JavaSript Concept I learned:
- Arrow Fat Function / Anonymous Function
- Fetching Jason and API (So far I need to explore more about this in other API)
- Event Listeners ( will do small projects using other event )
- Looping using For Of, For Each, and For as Well as Branching in JS
- Reducing Object Array Using Shift() method
- Manipulating DOM
- Invoke Functions
- Creating Functions and Math.random()
My Important Codes or Expression/Methods in Javascript
As a programmer or developer you need to know how RegExp or Regular Expression works, so in my case I need to record some basic or useful codes here, so below are some useful codes that I am using with some of my projects.
Regular Expression (RegExp) for Email Validation:
let validRegex = /^([a-z\d\.-]+)@([a-z\d-]+)\.([a-z]{2,8})(\.[a-z]{2,8})?$/;
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